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Jul 12, 20172 min read
InMotion Toulouse (part II)
Behind the scenes - Tango photography This is part II if you missed part I please check it out now. People still see me as a Ballet...

Jul 8, 20173 min read
InMotion Toulouse (part I)
Ballet photography behind the scenes Toulouse... Oh, Toulouse, I don't even know where to begin with this one. Our love affair started...

Jul 2, 20173 min read
My first Ballet photoshoots in Madrid!
We stopped by many places during this tour, and they all had a unique vibe and feel. It wasn't my first time in Spain. I visited...

May 14, 20172 min read
Who got the flower 2017
2nd year in a row! The Who got the flower (WGTF) is an international Hip Hop event occurring in the small town of Pontcharra. Don't try...

May 11, 20172 min read
All our vlog episodes!
It took me some time to release the final episode of the vlog... But here it is now, it began with part one a few weeks back: ...and part...

Feb 24, 20172 min read
InMotion exhibition #2
Français: Un Roadtrip de 7 mois qui s'est achevé dans la douleur en mi-Novembre 2016. 7 mois de vadrouille en camping car avec le projet...

Feb 15, 20171 min read
Back in Bordeaux! Vlog #16 (part2)
Behind The Scenes photoshoot If you didn't read ( and watch!) part 1, check it out right now. We couldn't go to Bordeaux and not meet...

Feb 13, 20171 min read
Back in Bordeaux Vlog #15 (part1)
Behind the scenes photoshoot It's always a pleasure to be back in Bordeaux... It's a beautiful city and for a photographer, it's hard not...

Feb 1, 20172 min read
Our 1st time in Toulouse! Vlog #14
Behind the scenes Dance & Circus photoshoot Basically our first time in Toulouse and to make it short... We loved it! This also...

Jan 2, 20172 min read
Paris & Montpellier! Vlog #13
Dance, pole, and Gymnastics behind the scenes photoshoot These are the last episodes of the Vlog... If you missed my latest video you...

Dec 31, 20161 min read
This is the end, why we are ending the road-trip! Vlog #12
For this one, there is nothing I can add... The title sums it up! Just watch the video below... Of course, I am not quitting photography....
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