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Pole dance photography (part 1)
We are, slowly but surely, reaching the end of the year. I began to see the signs announcing winter a few weeks back when I planned a few...
Nov 2, 20153 min read

Dance photoshoot at Strasbourg’s National and University Library
New playground! Behind the scenes video I promise this is not deliberate. For the third time, I'm setting up a photoshoot in a library....
Oct 26, 20152 min read

Dance photography, how I found my first models!
The title says it all, how did I find my first models for my series "InMotion"? Quick tips based on my personal experience that may help...
Sep 14, 20155 min read

I am in the Broncolor catalog
My image of Mamson is in the Broncolor Catalog!
Sep 6, 20151 min read

Throwback, my very first photoshoot in America!
Yes, a year has past since I made the following pictures, and for those of you who have been following my work, you know how much the...
Sep 3, 20152 min read

A ballerina on top of Montréal
I've been to Montréal a few times now, but I guess that the fact of having lived there when I was a child helped a lot. A little part of...
Aug 31, 20153 min read

Sharing your content online as a photographer!
I am an emotive guy! I don't look like that but I can assure you that social media drove me nuts back in the day. I shyly started posting...
Aug 27, 20154 min read

My first steps in fitness photography
Disclaimer, some of the following images were modified since their first publication. Since the beginning of this year, I wanted to step...
Aug 17, 20152 min read

First photoshoot in Montréal
How to shoot on an overcast day! Disclaimer: some of the images in this article were modified since there first publication! “InMotion”...
Aug 9, 20153 min read

Closer to the edge! A ballerina photoshoot
Behind the scenes feat. Sarah Hochster I made this promise to myself last year, shoot more during summer... or at least try. Summer days...
Jul 25, 20152 min read

The freestyle football experience
End of May, and strangely in my head, every year I believe sunny days are definitely here. This year was tough, because I'm basically an...
Jun 19, 20154 min read

The crossfit experience
My very first experience in the CrossFit world started in pain. A few weeks ago I went to fitness box Strasbourg for the first time to...
May 31, 20152 min read
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