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A tailored approach for the right results

Writer's picture: Haze KwareHaze Kware

Making and delivering the right content for your client. Creating images that will satisfy them, images you will like and defend, adjusted to the project's budget and to your client's needs.

It sounds easy, but in reality, it isn't...

When I started, I wanted to make art all the time, create crazy images! These would require a lot of preparation, a team, technical difficulties onset, and sometimes a lot of editing in post.

Unfortunately in the real world, you cannot do that especially if you are running a business. Commissioned work, editorials, and private sessions sometimes are made on tight budgets, so you can't go crazy on these, for the sake of your company and for your own health.

Obviously, I will take much more time on a 5k shoot than on a 500, but this doesn't mean I will deliver cheap images.

That's why you have pictures on my Instagram and my website that were clearly made with completely different budgets.

Plus, making crazy artistic pictures isn't always what your client wants. Sometimes holding back and delivering simple and refined images is the way to go. That's what we aimed during this short portrait session. I had to photograph 2 triathletes and make only a few images that would illustrate the athlete and the sport.

I knew early on I wanted to create at least one picture with all three disciplines... Something I've done a few times in the past.

The sun was setting quickly so we had to work fast, plus with that 3 in 1 picture the constant light change could end up being a nightmare in photoshop.

We quickly rehearsed the poses, and tried different things... and once we were satisfied overall it was time to shoot...

Fujifilm GFX50s + Broncolor SirosL GF 32-64mm f4 R LM WR 1/125sec at f/10 ISO100 - 32mm

Fujifilm GFX50s + Broncolor SirosL GF 32-64mm f4 R LM WR 1/125sec at f/10 ISO100 - 32mm

Fujifilm GFX50s + Broncolor SirosL GF 32-64mm f4 R LM WR 1/125sec at f/9 ISO100 - 60mm

Fujifilm GFX50s + Broncolor SirosL GF 32-64mm f4 R LM WR 1/125sec at f/8 ISO100 - 55mm

Fujifilm GFX50s GF110mmF2 R LM WR 1/640sec at f/2.5 ISO100 - 110mm

Fujifilm GFX50s GF110mmF2 R LM WR 1/500sec at f/2.5 ISO100 - 110mm

Knowing how to adapt to any type of project and situation is a crucial asset. Giving and doing too much, risking being off-topic, in the end, you will end up wasting valuable time and potentially a client.

Quick question, I am wondering, who my audience is... What genre, type of photography are you into? I would like to know!

Huge thanks to these 2 wonderful Athletes:


Photography & Filmmaking

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